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LMT 5 Bqaa Safrine - Horsh Ehden

  • hiking

Bqaa Safrine, Minieh-Dannieh district

Trail length 19,8 km

North to South
From Bqaa Safrine to Horsh Ehden
Total ascent 1212m 
Total descent 1004m
Level of difficulty Very Difficult (7h30)

The trail starts above the village of Bqaa Sefrine near the water canal. Walk few meters than take a footpath to the left (you can stay on the paved road for few hundred meters) follow it than take a dirt road upward before  turning right into a footpath toward the paved road, cross the main road and go down towards Majed guest house before taking the footpath leading you to a private land after crossing a metal door, past the spring, continue climbing and cross above the fence and follow a dirt road crossing over Zod cave. Continue along the dirt road, passing by a hamlet near some orchards, here beware of dogs. Continue on dirt road than turn right then left and follow an unclear goat path towards Ain Doraya el Faouqa spring and then walk down the footpath before following the goat trail that leads into an oak forest. When you reach el Sheikh Abdallah  Shrine (Giant oak trees)and Doraya Shrine, walk along the dirt road to a footpath that leads you to the riverbed near Ain Doraya el Tahta spring, follow the footpath from the spring before climbing up to a dirt road. Continue until you reach Ain el Jorn spring and from there take the dirt road and then an unclear rocky footpath to reach another dirt road. Follow it to the main paved road and then cross towards an overlooking hill. Continue on a road than before the metal door take to the right on a footpath to Nabaa el Hawa cave-spring and from there you can pass by Btelleye farm and a camping site. Start walking along a clear footpath to Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve and end at the info panel near Ain el Naasa spring. Either you leave down by the Jouit entrance than by car toward Ehden or continue to Ehden on section 6.

South to North
From Horsh Ehden to Bqaa Safrine
Total ascent 1004m 
Total descent 1212m
Level of difficulty Difficult (7h30)

From the info panel inside the nature reserve of Horsh Ehden, start the walk towards Ain el Naasa spring following the marked footpath in the forest. Once you reach the dry stream, continue on towards the mountain farm of Btellaye. Walk on below the farm and follow the dirt road which passes by the spring and the cave of el Haoua. From there, leave the road and take a cleared footpath to the left. Keep walking downhill until you reach a lonely cedar and after that, a solitary juniper tree. Continue on before taking a dirt road downhill until you reach the main paved road. Cross the road and walk few meters before turning right onto a dirt road. Continue along it before leaving it to go down along a dry stream bed. Follow another dirt road which passes by Ain el Jorn spring and after that, turn left towards a dirt road, Follow it downhill and then turn right at the first dirt road you come across. Go down it, passing by a farm and cross the fence before continuing straight until you reach a turn to the right downhill along yet another dirt road. Cross the stream and follow a footpath by the stream bed. Once you arrive at the Ain Douraya el Tahta spring, climb up to the right along a path which leads to a dirt road. Follow it until you reach the Cheikh Abdallah Shrine where there are two giant oak trees. From there, follow a dirt road that will take you to a footpath which leads into an oak forest before you arrive at Nabaa Douraya el Faouqa. From there, take an uncleared path towards a rocky flat area and then walk uphill and follow a dirt road. Pass beneath a lonely pine tree and follow an uncleared path to a dirt road and continue along it before making a left turn. Follow an uncleared path to where it meets a metal barrier and continue along a paved road, passing by some houses before following a dirt road until you reach a fence.You cross it and start walking downhill, passing thru a metal door and walking along a cleared footpath until you reach some buildings. Then take a narrow street to the right just after the line of buildings and arrive at the main paved road. Walk straight on the stairs and follow the cleared path until it meets a dirt road. Walk along it and then turn left going straight along an uncleared path until you’re back again on the paved road near the Nabaa el Sukkar water canal. The section ends here.

Important to know
- There are no dangerous or difficult passages along this section; the trail consists of dirt and paved roads, footpath and goat trails.
- This section is completely marked. 
- If you plan to walk alone, please inform the LMTA about the dates of your trip at and ask for the GPS track
- For your stay, contact the guesthouse or the guide few days before you start your trip

Getting there
From Tripoli, take the road directly to Sir ed Dannieh and on to Bqaa Sefrine. The trail starts near the info panel above the village of Bqaa Sefrine. The road to Ehden leaves Tripoli via Zghorta.  If you are coming from Beirut, take the coastal highway to Chekka, then go right to Amioun and Tourza. When the road divides just before Tourza, take the exit on the left, and continue directly to Ehden. You can find the trail head at the Jouit entrance of Ehden Nature Reserve.

Source: Lebanon Mountain Trail Association

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