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LMT 18 Ain Zhalta - Barouk

  • hiking
  • cycling

Ain Zhalta, Chouf district

Trail length 18 km

North to South
From Ain Zhalta to Barouk
Total ascent 668m
Total descent 712m
Level of difficulty Very Difficult

South to North
From Barouk to Ain Zhalta 
Total ascent 712m
Total descent 668m
Level of difficulty Very Difficult

If you stay in Ain Zhalta, you will have to return to the Ain Zhalta nature reserve entry point to start on section 18. Begin walking down a very beautiful track single-file past the directional sign showing the top of the mountain. It leads you into the cedar forest and towards the guard hut and the hill lake. After that you arrive at the ridge line from where you continue along the dirt road for nearly two hours until you reach the lake. Then either continue on towards the Maaser el Chouf reserve entry point or turn right to descend to el Barouk nature reserve gate. You can walk along the main paved road or, if you prefer, take a track which starts just below it to reach the el Barouk entrance. Finally, in the same way as you did at Ain Zhalta, you can follow the road from the entry point to el Barouk village.

This entire section is bike friendly.

Important to know
- There are no difficult passages along this section; the trail consists of dirt and paved roads and single tracks.
- This section goes through the Shouf Biosphere Reserve.
- This section is not marked.
- If you plan to walk alone, please inform the LMTA about the dates of your trip at and ask for the GPS track.
- For your stay, contact the guesthouse or the guide few days before you start your trip.

Getting there
To reach Ain Zhalta and el Barouk, take the Damascus highway out of Beirut and climb up to Dahr el Baidar passing through Aley, Bhamdoun and Saoufar. In Dahr el Baidar, make a right turn and drive through Ain Dara to reach both towns. You can also take the coastal highway south to Damour from where you take the road to Deir el Qamar and Beit ed Dine. At Maasser Beit ed Dine, take the left-hand fork to el Barouk and Ain Zhalta. The LMT is accessible from Ain Zhalta and el Barouk. The roads are paved and public transportation is available.
To reach el Barouk, take the same route as described above. A left turn at the village puts you on a road leading to Maasser ech Chouf. You can also take the coastal highway south to Damour and from there you take the road to Deir el Qamar and Beit ed Dine. At Maasser Beit ed Dine, take the left-hand fork to reach el Barouk/Fraidis. The LMT is accessible from el Barouk and Maasser ech Chouf. The roads are paved and public transportation is available to el Barouk.

Source: Lebanon Mountain Trail Association

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