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Maasser el Chouf, Chouf district

Al Fundok offers 23 colorfully furnished bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms. Facilities include a restaurant, bar and a cafe, a kids’ area, TV room, a meditation corner with hammocks, gardens and terraces, and a swimming pool. Ultimately, Al Fundok is a community project. We hire people from the village, most of whom had absolutely no experience in hospitality when they started. We have been training them and they have learned lots of valuable skills.

For guests, knowing that the staff of the hotel are locals adds to the experience of being in Maaser El Shouf. When you come to stay at Al Fundok, you are not just staying at a regular hotel; you’re staying at the gateway to the mighty Cedars forest and entering the world of Karkour, our famously wise little mountain donkey, who will be here to guide you on the mysterious roads to happiness. However, happiness can be easy to miss, so our wise Karkour has devised many happy challenges that you will find in every corner of the hotel.


Number of rooms 17
Number of guests 70
Price range $$

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