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Mtein, Matn district

A Story of Family, Passion, and the Pursuit for Excellence As the sun rises over the vineyard, it illuminates the story of Ardoum Winery, a family-owned business that was built from the ground up by Christian’s father in 1990. It all started with Christian’s father, Joseph, a man with a deep love for his homeland, Lebanon, and a determination to create something truly special. In 1990, he focused on producing Arak El Kasr, a traditional Lebanese spirit. But it wasn’t long before he realized that he had a talent for wine making too. Christian’s grandfather and priest uncle had some knowledge about wine making, and his father was determined to learn more. He spent years studying and experimenting until he was finally able to produce his very first bottle of red wine in 1995. It was a moment of pure joy and triumph that he shared with his family. But the journey was far from over. Joseph traveled to Bordeaux and was inspired by the art and architecture there. He also drew inspiration from his brother, Georges, a talented engraver and painter who had lived in Venice for 25 years. His influence could be seen in the artistic labels of the winery and the beautifully man-carved cellar. Christian and his wife, Jacky, believe that it is almost as if the uncle knew he was preparing for something special before he passed away. As the years went by, the winery gained a reputation for excellence. The family’s private label production grew, and they started producing around 4,000 to 4,500 bottles per year for selected customers. Jacky played a vital role in this growth. She saw that visitors were asking for more than just wine, so she started offering food, bed and breakfast, and activities. She hired locals to help with the increased demand, and the winery continued to thrive. The name Ardoum comes from the Latin word Arduum, meaning "heights." Other than the fact that the winery is located at 1080 meters above sea level, Ardoum was chosen by Jacky as it represents the family’s unwavering commitment to always reach for new heights and create something extraordinary. In other words, it is a symbol of Jacky’s passion for discovering the beauty of the Lebanese mountains on one hand, and of Christian’s pledge to follow the footsteps of his father in perfecting the art of winemaking on the other. Today, Ardoum Winery produces a range of white, rose, and red wines, as well as sweet and fruit-based wines, vodka, gin, and whiskey. Each bottle is a tribute to the family’s hard work and determination. Those who have had the opportunity to taste the wine know that they have discovered something truly special. Ardoum Winery is a story of family, passion, and the pursuit of excellence. It’s a testament to the power of struggle, resilience, and the courage to take risks. Most importantly, it’s a reminder that when we follow our hearts and our dreams, anything is possible, just like the Latin proverb says: “Nil volentibus arduum,” which means nothing is impossible for those willing.

Altitude 1080m
Date of Establishment 1988

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