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LMT 2 Qammouaa - Qemmamine

  • hiking

Qammouaa, Aakkar district

Trail length 26 km

North to South
From Qammouaa to Qemmamine
Total ascent 1053m 
Total descent 1392m
Level of difficulty Very Difficult (9h)

The trail starts where section 1 ends, on the road between Karm Chbat and el Qammouaa plateau, the trail goes down on darb el Inkliz (The British road) and immerse into the Juniper, Cedars and Fir forests, it crosses 2 springs (Ouadi el Blat and el Hajal) before reaching the heart of Jabal el Aarouba, the trail continue to reach the dirt road after several kilometres crossed, go right downward to reach the paved road, cross it and take another dirt road until you reach the communication tower, take a footpath right reaching the cliff (Chir Kezbar), cross it down toward a dirt road, continue and pass by a beautiful plain surrounded with juniper trees, past by it and reach the paved road at al Ayoun, take a dirt road passing by Ain el Hajal toward Ouadi Hakl el Kherbeh, once you reach the bottom of the valley take a footpath to the right, continue downward until you cross the river, climb and take a dirt road to reach Nabaa Kef el Tine, pass it to the other side and take a newly opened road leading to el Qemmamine village, this section ends at the village spring. 

South to North
From Qammouaa to Qemmamine
Total ascent 1392m 
Total descent 1053m 
Level of difficulty Very Difficult (9h)

From the spring follow the narrow street of the village towards the river, passing by a small concrete bridge. Continue on before going to the right after passing a few houses and then descend toward the river. Continue upwards and take the cleared footpath on into the forest until you reach a dirt road. Once you get to the Nabaa Kef el Tine spring, pass it and walk along the dirt road. Make two turns and leave the dirt road to the left going towards the river. Once you’ve crossed it, take the cleared footpath towards some deserted houses, pass them, and continue past some more until you reach a dirt road. Then go left and start your ascent to reach Ain el Njass spring before continuing along a paved road. Then follow a dirt road which  passes by a flat piece of land called Sahl el Karm.  Continue winding along the dirt road and then start climbing up the cliff to the top. Follow a cleared footpath to the right and then take the dirt road. After a while, take a cleared path uphill to an air tower from where you take another dirt road leading to a paved road. Cross it to the right and go on for a few meters before going to the left along another a dirt road and then another that winds through the mountain. Before making a turn on this road (this is not clear to me!), turn to the left on a cleared footpath and walk a few kilometers along it until you reach a dirt road. Go right along it for a short time and then leave it to the left, crossing a dry stream before arriving at the Ain el Hajal spring. Continue along the footpath to a dirt road and turn  right onto another dirt road and walk on until you reach the Ain Ouadi el Blat spring. From here, follow a footpath to the main el Qobayat el Qammouaa paved road. Section 2 ends here.

Important to know
- There are no dangerous or difficult passages on this section; the trail consists of dirt and paved roads, footpaths and goat trails.
- This section has only 16km marked footpath from the side of el Qemmamine toward el Qammouaa
- If you plan to walk alone, please inform the LMTA about the dates of your trip at and ask for the GPS track.
- For your stay, contact the guest house or the guide a few days before you start your trip.

Getting there
Take the coastal highway northbound from Tripoli. At el Abdeh, take the fork on the right to Bebnine and continue on until you arrive to Halba. To reach Tashea, turn right in the center of Halba and follow the road to Beit Mallat.  Before reaching Bezbina, turn right to Tashea. Once you reach the village, you need to walk nearly 3km along a paved road to reach the head of the trail near Nabaa el Beddawi spring.  Public transportation is available from Tripoli to Fnaideq, Mishmish, and Qobbayat. All roads are paved. The LMT is accessible from all these villages.

Source: Lebanon Mountain Trail Association

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