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  • Lebanese designers
  • jewelry design

Hazmieh, Baabda district

The story of mAc Design is that of a brilliant success driven by Marcelle Asmar Husseini, an advertising graduate from the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA), endowed with a strong creative direction and an electric taste for everything trendy.

mAc design started in 2003 when Marcelle Asmar, the designer and founder, created a bracelet with small figures of her kids, engraved with their names. She first started receiving orders from her friends and, in less than a year, expanded to the whole world. With time, the collection grew and aside from being specialized in custom-made jewelry in gold and silver, mAc design started carrying ready-to-wear seasonal collections with themes that keep renewing by following the fashion and the current trends with respect of their own identity.

The brand creates four collections per year, inspired by trips from around the world. mAc design recently expanded its collections with a line of decorative objects and fashion accessories in the same spirit as the jewelry. mAc design has four shops in Lebanon, one in Bahrain, ships locally and aboard through the website, and through several distributors in multiple Arab and European countries. In 2014 mAc design joined the Lebanese Franchise Association and is working on opening more shops worldwide. In 2015 Marcelle Asmar was one of the six finalists of the Brilliant Lebanese Awards ending in second place.


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