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Old Silk Factory - Mtein

  • archaelogical site

Mtein, Matn district

In 1841, the Portalis family established the first silk farm in Lebanon in Chouf. For the first time, women would leave their homes to work as spinners. The transport of cocoons or silk from the port of Beirut to Marseille aboard ships was the origin of the creation of maritime transport agencies in Lebanon, and lending operations to industry players led to the opening of the first bank in Lebanon. In this period, silk production represented 50% of the GDP of the Moutasarrifiyya of Mount Lebanon.

Around the same time, silk work began in Mtein. The Abillama family were the first to work with silk and produce silk thread in the 1850s. The Abillama silk farm southwest of Mtein, in the region of "Hakl bou ajjour" overlooking the Mtein-Mchikha road, is still standing to this day. By 1850, the Kabalan Abillama family was producing silk thread. They rented this silk farm to Makhoul Akl, son of Akl Chedid, a few decades later. At the beginning of the last century, the grandparents of Gerges Nakouzi, who made their fortune in Latin America, bought the silk farm. In the late 1960s, it became the property of Chaker Abousleiman.

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